January 7, 2012

What I love about myself

 This one is a definite thinker as well. I'm not the kind of person who enjoys thinking about myself. Although, it probably would boost my self esteem a tad bit, it still feels.....odd. But for the sake of the blog and my attack on these challenges, I shall do what I must!
 I love that I hide. I work hard at not showing my weaknesses, that I fight to not show people when I'm hurt, or that life has me down. I love that when you ask people about me, they can't tell you anything other than I'm always happy and smiling. My dad taught me that just because you are down, it doesn't mean you have to get other people down. As he sat for 6 months in a hospital bed, knowing his time was limited, he never stopped smiling in front of the nurses and doctors. He was never short with them, or cranky and he always thanked them for doing what they did. I think that he thought he would be showing signs of weakness if he let on how he felt. I don't maintain that theory but I do maintain that it does absolutely no good to anyone if I pout or whine or am negative about anything. I smile to keep others smiling and in truth, even if I am faking happiness, it ends up cheering me up in the end, just faking it.
 In life, I think people don't put others ahead of themselves anymore. People enjoy wallowing in their self pity too much. And they enjoy letting everyone know about it too. I think that is a true sign of weakness. Everyone needs someone to vent to, to lean on, and that is completely understandable. But it doesn't mean take it to facebook. Which I have done many times in the past. It is nice to have an outlet reaching so many people all at once but it doesn't make it right or the best choice. I know that now. So I'm going to use one of my best features and putting them to use. I'm faking it on facebook!! I'm going to be as cheerful and as positive and uplifting no matter what a crummy day I have had. I'm going to re-examine what I say, write or portray in anyway from now on, and adjust it before I do it. Does that make sense?
 I guess I don't really know what brought that on. I got a wonderful message this morning thanking me for being so bright and cheerful when they knew I had issues going on, and that my latest postings of motivational stuff was helping them as well. It was very thoughtful and nice reading it and made me feel so good. So then as I was writing what I loved about myself, it stuck out. What my family, friends and even a therapist or two has told me about my harming myself by keeping everything held in, is actually a wonderful thing for others. Don't worry though, I don't keep everything stuffed inside waiting to blow up. My poor and yet wonderful husband endures my venting and a few close friends are my lean-upons. But that's as far as it goes.
 How's that sound for what I love about myself?


  1. I love that you love that about yourself, AND that you were honest right there towards the end that you DO have an outlet. I have a problem with "bottling" things up and putting on my brave face and expecting everyone to know what's got me fuming. My poor poor Husband, when I finally "broke" he had no clue what to do for me. He never saw it coming. I'm staying away from Facebook too, being only positive on there is the best advice you can give ANYONE. ((That and not to post 5,000 pictures of "the duck face."))

  2. Oh that dreaded duck face! I actually liked a page of anti-duck face, lol. I can't believe that such a ridiculous thing has gone so viral *sigh* I think to be positive on facebook is going to be such a challenge in itself but one worth conquering. And as for my outlet, I don't know if he looks at it as being a positive, lol, he does afterall hear some dark and not so bright stuff, but since he lets me vent and blow off steam, he shows a super power <3 LoL


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