Our visit in Montana went well. We said goodbye to Grandma Ella and celebrated my birthday on the same day. I got to visit with my family and friends throughout the visit. And I got to enjoy a few days of no work. I won't lie, that could possibly be the best part of it all. Well, not really but a darn near close second. One of my favorites was the smell. Mountain air smells so much nicer than any other air out there. And yes folks, air has a smell. Just like water has a taste. Don't argue with me.
Coming home however was a blast. We arrived after a very long 16 hour drive to find somewhere between 13 to 15 thousand gallons of water in our basement. No furnace which means no heat and no hot water tank which means no hot water. Such joy. After three days and constant prayer, the basement got sump pumped, the water eater got fixed and the furnace has a small glimmer of hope of working again. *sigh*
I began work at my new job yesterday. I really like it and the new routine is actually going really well. It's not bad getting up at 6am every morning. As long as I am asleep by 10pm. Which isn't too bad either. Actually sleeping at night is wonderful. I usually don't fall asleep until 1am and wake up at 7 feeling awful all day long. Next week I will begin throwing in morning workouts. Not that I need to, I walk about two miles a day. Literally.
My daughter decided thanks to a classmate, that she wants to do dance class. Lucky for her they are beginning a class next week and I got her in it. 6 weeks of beginner ballet and then maybe jazz or tap after that. I like that. She's not really the ballet type but she needs something and there is nothing else around her to do so we'll attempt this. I'd rather gymnastics in all honesty...So now I get to order the leotards and ballet slippers and hope her hair pulls back in a little bun again. I have to admit, at least there is a cute factor in all this.
My son can start school this fall. I wasn't too worried about it because I was all no-no-no-no-not-my-baby-not-yet, hysterical about it but when I told the husband casually, I was told yes-yes-yes-get-used-to-it. He turns three in August. He's my baby. He'll be starting Awana too. With my daughter it was like time wouldn't come fast enough and now it speeds up faster than I would like to. How did this happen!?!? My baby is growing up and I despise it. If I was able to have more without dying, this wouldn't be such a big deal mind you. Husband and I have been talking about the adopting and such. It might be time since baby fever has struck abut a year ago and has no signs of leaving....
I'm skipping my challenge for tonight. It's almost bedtime and I have plans of getting a backrub before then :))
I turned 27. I didn't melt about it. Husband let me choose between the camera of my dreams or the sewing machine of my dreams. I chose both. Just gave up the dream sewing machine and settled for Wal-Mart special instead, lol. I'm spoiled and work hard for my money. I'll get what I want somehow. Even if the sewing machine technically comes out of my paycheck. What, like I can't buy myself a birthday gift?
Nine minutes before bed and I'm wondering how many pages of Twilight I can get in. I'm on book four and in the middle of it. This is about the tenth time of reading it. What are you reading right now??
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