February 17, 2012

It's Friday!

 I saw a sign this morning on Facebook. "I work hard so everyone on Welfare doesn't have to." Yup! I'm feeling ornery tonight, watch out! Well, actually it's pretty much since we filed our taxes. We gave a lot to taxes and I'm talking a lot as in could have bought a brand new car and then some, a lot. And didn't get much back at all. Made me bitter. Then I found out a friend of mine got back quite a bit and collects all kinds of "aid" and has no job. I don't get it. I was told that if I would always have to work hard all my life because nothing in life is free. I was lied to because apparently if I quit my job, I can stay home and get all kinds of money and freebies and not do anything for it. I can understand needing help from time to time, and that doesn't affect me at all, everyone needs help throghout time, God knows we hit rough patches every now and again, but needing help and being lazy? There's a BIG difference.....
 Off my venting box and onto better things....Today is afterall Friday! Fridays are a small holiday now that I have a nice job that allows me weekends off. LOVE IT! I am loving my new job by the way. It's been a month and I adore it already. I have yet to have a bad day or even a bad moment there in all honesty. I get paid to do what I do best, clean. I get to be OCD and people love me even more for it! Score! LoL. The kids are loving the new daycare too. Hannah doesn't get but an hour there which works fine but Ignacio absolutely loves it. He used to be that kid that hated being without me. He is doing so well there. I'm so happy :))
 I had such a good day today too. Besides it being Friday and all. My Bug who is only five years old for another six months, decided to learn how to tie her shoes. My husband only showed her a few times and she got the hang of it from there. I teared up. I won't lie or deny it. I'm not ashamed, lol. Maybe a little but this girl, she's my heart. She was the baby that wasn't supposed to be here. She was my first born. So of course I teared up. And was ever so proud that this step is over with. I dreaded the whole shoe tying teaching as much as the whole potty training thing.
 I had to call the elementary school yesterday, to give Bug's name to them. They are starting the head count for this fall's kindergarten class. Class of 2025 yikes! I don't look forward to September even though she is ecstatic. She's finally going to the big kid's school and going to be in kindergarten with all her friends and this is when mommy will start letting her sleepover at her friend's houses and on and on and on. I'm glad she's thrilled, mommy isn't so much :(
 I just bought The Vow on my kindle. I was told it is an amazing movie and the book is of course, even better, so I'm giving it a whirl. I'm waiting for Karen Kingsbury to release her next book which has me on pins and needles. It's the last book about her Baxter family who I've grown very attached to as far as fictional families come.
 Now onto what really made my day awesome today. I received a comment today from one of my favorite bloggers. This woman is full of pure sweetness, funny as all get up and just awesome beyond awesome. We have been following each other for just a short time but I love reading her blog posts, sometimes even twice or more (I know, stalker material right here, lol) So I get a comment telling me something about a nugget of versatility or something or other. So I click the link and go spy...I won a blog award!!! Supahmama awarded me with the Versatile Blogger Award and I am incredibly proud to accept it :)

Now, along with it are of course rules, and a little task at hand. The rules first...

The Rules for The Versatile Blogger Award
1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs you enjoy reading.
4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.

Now to be honest, I don't have fifteen friends to pass this along to. But I will pass it along for sure :) And I want to shout out a huge thank you to Supahmama! for thinking of me with this award. That was ever so sweet and wonderful and highly made my day. And to be honest? I absolutely loved your seven things about yourself. The nail thing? Exactly why I don't keep nails!! I hate dirt or any kind of black stuff under my nails. Gross times five! 

1. Husband has been "fixed" for almost three years now. I can't have anymore babies due to it'd more than likely kill me or I'd have yet another miscarriage. I'll be honest, I'm in the middle of negotiations with the boss man himself (Husband) to have one more go at it. I can't think of anyone who'd be a surrogate for us, and I miss being pregnant. I just wish I could choose the sex, boys really are easier than girls and one girl is enough for me :)) 

2. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I believe in being a mommy and a wife but also having a life outside of the house. I love my family but having a job makes me feel productive and an asset to my family, my community and to life in general. That and to be honest? I'm not cut out for the baking, homemade, homeschooling, cleaning, mommy who is always smiley and happy and go-go-go. It's just not me and I'm not ashamed. 

3. I love making cakes and cookies. I don't tell people about it because I'm very embarrassed. I don't know why either. Make one cake in your life and now I'm hooked...LoL. 

4. I am addicted to pinterest and the activities and recipes I find on there. I love it and if you should want to look me up, let me know :) 

5. I gained five pounds in a month. That' snot a lot but it's still a gain. And secretly? I don't mind. I can drop it if I want to but I was getting grossed out. I'm weirdly proportioned and when I have chubby thighs and a chubby butt yet can see and feel my ribcage, it's gross. So I kind of purposely gained. I don't see much a difference though.

6. I got a new puppy for my birthday. Husband surprised me with a baby Japanese Chin slash Maltese. Tiny puppy. Husband is very sweet <3

7. I picked out my haircut that I'm going to get in three more years. I made a promise to my husband before we got married that I would go ten years without cutting my hair. He allows me four inches every year and that's it. Which I'm fine with. Because I picked out my haircut. And I have never had my hair shorter than my ears. Husband despises short hair. Boy will he be shocked! LoL

So, the ladies I snagged up to accept this award are as follows:

1. Gucci Mama
2. Angie Girl (who doesn't get on often at all but still has a great blog!) 
3. The ladies at Bee In our Bonnet
4. In Whispers And Shouts
5. And because she's just as random as I am and a good friend, Panda

I know, I know, I have such a small amount of people nominated, but in truth, I love all my bloggy friends, followers and followees. Go to my profile page and check 'em all out!
 Now I'm off to watch Grey's Anatomy and go eat dinner with the family. Love to everyone!



  1. Thanks for the shout out to Bee in our Bonnet! I loved your seven things about you and thanks for the tip on the books. I am always looking for recommendations! :)

  2. Oh, yay!! This is so sweet... thanks!! And that's funny about your hair- my husband went 9 years of dating and marriage without having an opinion about my hair and then about 5 months ago told me how he wanted me to cut it! I was shocked but kinda thought it was sweet that he cared that much about my hair!

  3. Kathryn, your blog is amazing and I am sooo glad I found it! I don't always comment on it but I am an avid stalker :)) LoL

    Betsy, I love that my husband is vocal about what he likes and how, it makes me feel more attractive knowing I'm doing something he likes, but. I've never had long hair before I met him. It's been seven long years of long hair, lol. I will bawl my eyes out when it happens but I neeeeed short hair. I will more than likely cut it once and then leave it alone for another few years, lol.

  4. How'd you feel about the Grey's crossover?!?!? I'm eagerly awaiting the next episode. :) Also, I'm totally blushing, awesome beyond awesome? Girl, PLEASE!


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