February 3, 2012

Husband and puppies and other stuff

 So my husband. He's pretty awesome. And I'm always so grateful for him. Especially when I hear about other people's man/boy trouble. I always catch myself saying a thank you that my husband is who he is and does what he does and isn't like most men. I am guilty of not being grateful more often and it seems like I am being reminded more often of how grateful I really should be. Too many of my friends, acquaintances and blog buddies/reads are having marriage issues. As much as I pray for them, I also lift up thanks for mine. I think that as we pray for one another, we should also be thankful and grateful for having what we do you know?
 We aren't perfect but in the (almost) seven years we have been together and married, I can say that we have not only been through a lot but grown closer, wiser, better and stronger in every crevice of our marriage. It is one thing to go through a lot but totally another to come out of it together. And stronger. I know he'd never leave me, as I would never him. And I know a lot more than a ring and a piece of paper holds us together. And I hold dear that we did everything right from the moment we met which brings me a lot of pride. Not a lot of people can say they waited until marriage for sex or anything related.
 Which brings me to my next "challenge". Who has made my life worth living for. I shout Husband at this one. Before I met him, life was so dismal. Literally. I was at that point where I honestly didn't care about much. I worked two jobs just to have something to do and didn't go out or have friends outside of my family. I slept as much as I could and tried to be a butthead in any way possible. It was pretty pathetic. I put up a good front but that was as far as happy and at peace really went. When I met Husband, everything felt, at peace. As it should. And I knew that even though he was an awful flirt, had terrible choice in some of his friendships, and even tried to make me jealous, he was the one. Has been ever since. We are so alike in so may ways and yet are opposites in a lot too. And it certainly hasn't been easy all of the time. The first three years of marriage kind of suck just so everyone knows, lol. But after that, piece of cake. Or something like that at least.
  Our anniversary is coming up in about four months and I'm already planning his gift and our date. He planned ours last year, so it's my turn and I'm hoping I do really well. That and this month will mark when we started dating. Seven years together, it doesn't sound that much but it sure feels like a long time. Then again, ask me in twenty years how long THAT feels! LoL.
 It's funny how life turns out. Back in high school I thought that I would be somewhere completely different from where I am now. And how I thought I would have it all then. Now I realize how much better I have things and that while at the time I may not have understood things happening, God had a reason and definitely knew better for me and my life. And that I wouldn't change a thing. Husband is who makes my life worth living for. Always has and always will be <3
 We have another addition to our family, speaking of family and mushy feelings. The cutest little puppy dog. He's a cross between a Japanese Chin and a Maltese. I've been begging for a Yorkie for a few years and since they are so expensive and hard to come by, this was the closest (and actually best) option. A little belated birthday gift from husband :) So now I need to figure out a name...
 It's been a really busy week, but a great one at that. My new job is turning out so much better than I expected, I really like it The kids are loving the new daycare they are at now. They do so much fun stuff with the kidlets and they get to go on daily walks and meet the residents of the nursing home where I work sometimes. I also work at the hospital part too. Bug started ballet class and is liking that pretty well and is looking forward to finishing up Awana soon. I am so proud of her, she hasn't missed a day in two years! Bean is Bean. Just a little boy who is fascinated with everything and is still my cuddly mommy's boy. Can't and won't change that either :))
 And now because I haven't gotten to all week, I am going to end here and catch up on some Grey's Anatomy and cuddle with Husband. Have a fabulous weekend, I know I will!


1 comment:

  1. I left YOU a little nugget of awesome on my latest post. :) Go check it out! YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT, HONEST!!!


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