February 28, 2012

Ick politics and men with capes

 If you ask me, I won't tell you. Mostly because I don't care enough to know. To be honest, I don't even know what a republican or a democrat is. Or the differences between them are. Or whatever has to do with anything of either. I just don't care. You can call me ignorant. You can tell me how I'm letting my entire generation down. But let's be honest and serious here. My one pathetic vote, doesn't get the next person elected. It just doesn't. I haven't voted since the whole Al Gore escapade. (Anything was better than Bush :P ) Besides, anyone can stand up in front of America and make promises that they aren't going to keep (Hello, Obama!) I can tell you right now how I will be the next president and how I will end world hunger, begin world peace, and make sure everyone is rich and paying no taxes by the end of next year. And then I'd be president and saying screw you all, I'll do what I want :P
 So in real life excitement, I have Christmas gifts planned out and started on. I'm not releasing any details because I'm assuming the friends that they are destined for are reading this and I'm not giving anything away ;) I'm good at blurting out my secrets. I haven't been able to not give away Husband's birthday gift in life, ever. I just get so excited, I can't keep them a secret, lol. I can't wait and the suspense kills me. But this time, I will succeed :)
 We're getting ready to be hit with a huge blizzard tonight. Which sucks period because I don't like the snow. It's pretty and if you have a wood stove or a fire place, winter can be a wonderful season. Especially while living in places such as Montana. But otherwise, it's just yuck. The really not fun part about it is that when a snow day is called because people can't get to work, I can't ever complain about not getting to work because I live across the street from my place of work. If my car can't get out of the driveway which happens often, I have to walk. I'm still getting to work when others can't. Well, at least the paycheck doesn't suffer.
 When our basement flooded last month, I thought our water heater and our furnace were shot. Well, I was right about the furnace. Disgustingly right unfortunately. But today, Husband performed acts of amazingness and fixed the water heater for good. Before we had just enough water to shampoo, condition and soap the body and hop out before the chattering of the teeth began. Now, it's wonderfulness. I think the hot water lasts longer now then it did before. High five! The furnace doesn't phase me, we'll replace it in the fall. Until then we have electric heaters. They work pretty well. That and it has been a really mild winter. Thank you God. Three of the cities in the top ten coldest cities in the US (Second coldest, third coldest and fourth coldest) are in this state. It gets colder than Alaska here. Ugh...
 Well kiddies, it's time for Private Practice and then bed. I am all caught up on Grey's Anatomy and now have to wait for this season to finish and get on Netflix or come out on DVD so I can watch it. I can't find anyplace on the internet that will let me start with the first episode of the season and get caught up until the most recent one, so I now get to wait. So I am forcing myself to watch Private Practice. Not too bad but not as great as Grey's. I tried to get onto Lost and Heroes since Husband adores those shows but they are just too much for me. Lost blows my mind and I missed one stupid episode and got completely lost. And Heroes is just too super hero-ish for me. I never got int the whole Superman and Marvel Comic thing. I like football. And comedy. Not kryptonite or batcaves....
 So anyways, have a good slumber and hopefully unless a big ball of gas hits us, I may be back again!

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