If you ask me, I won't tell you. Mostly because I don't care enough to know. To be honest, I don't even know what a republican or a democrat is. Or the differences between them are. Or whatever has to do with anything of either. I just don't care. You can call me ignorant. You can tell me how I'm letting my entire generation down. But let's be honest and serious here. My one pathetic vote, doesn't get the next person elected. It just doesn't. I haven't voted since the whole Al Gore escapade. (Anything was better than Bush :P ) Besides, anyone can stand up in front of America and make promises that they aren't going to keep (Hello, Obama!) I can tell you right now how I will be the next president and how I will end world hunger, begin world peace, and make sure everyone is rich and paying no taxes by the end of next year. And then I'd be president and saying screw you all, I'll do what I want :P
So in real life excitement, I have Christmas gifts planned out and started on. I'm not releasing any details because I'm assuming the friends that they are destined for are reading this and I'm not giving anything away ;) I'm good at blurting out my secrets. I haven't been able to not give away Husband's birthday gift in life, ever. I just get so excited, I can't keep them a secret, lol. I can't wait and the suspense kills me. But this time, I will succeed :)
We're getting ready to be hit with a huge blizzard tonight. Which sucks period because I don't like the snow. It's pretty and if you have a wood stove or a fire place, winter can be a wonderful season. Especially while living in places such as Montana. But otherwise, it's just yuck. The really not fun part about it is that when a snow day is called because people can't get to work, I can't ever complain about not getting to work because I live across the street from my place of work. If my car can't get out of the driveway which happens often, I have to walk. I'm still getting to work when others can't. Well, at least the paycheck doesn't suffer.
When our basement flooded last month, I thought our water heater and our furnace were shot. Well, I was right about the furnace. Disgustingly right unfortunately. But today, Husband performed acts of amazingness and fixed the water heater for good. Before we had just enough water to shampoo, condition and soap the body and hop out before the chattering of the teeth began. Now, it's wonderfulness. I think the hot water lasts longer now then it did before. High five! The furnace doesn't phase me, we'll replace it in the fall. Until then we have electric heaters. They work pretty well. That and it has been a really mild winter. Thank you God. Three of the cities in the top ten coldest cities in the US (Second coldest, third coldest and fourth coldest) are in this state. It gets colder than Alaska here. Ugh...
Well kiddies, it's time for Private Practice and then bed. I am all caught up on Grey's Anatomy and now have to wait for this season to finish and get on Netflix or come out on DVD so I can watch it. I can't find anyplace on the internet that will let me start with the first episode of the season and get caught up until the most recent one, so I now get to wait. So I am forcing myself to watch Private Practice. Not too bad but not as great as Grey's. I tried to get onto Lost and Heroes since Husband adores those shows but they are just too much for me. Lost blows my mind and I missed one stupid episode and got completely lost. And Heroes is just too super hero-ish for me. I never got int the whole Superman and Marvel Comic thing. I like football. And comedy. Not kryptonite or batcaves....
So anyways, have a good slumber and hopefully unless a big ball of gas hits us, I may be back again!
February 28, 2012
February 18, 2012
Two Year Shoes
I'm not very materialistic. Or maybe I am and I live in denial about it. Whatever. I work hard for my money and my bills get paid so when I can go out and spend a fe wbucks. I do. I actually get my happy spending moments when I buy for the kids or the husband. I very rarely buy things for myself. Except today. Husband has been nagging at me you see. I have a pair of Sketchers which I adore with all my heart. They are those Shape-Ups that two years ago, cost me a hundred dollars. And about a week's worth of nagging from Husband telling me how dumb to spend so much money on shoes. No way would they lost very long right? WRONG! Two year shoes folks. So today I got a different kind of nagging. I was forced, against my will, to buy shoes. Just because mine happened to be a tad bit dirty and the bottoms were starting to peel up. Whatever. So I bought shoes today. I have never owned Nikes and that's all I'll say about them. For the price I paid, these better be the new two year shoes. Or three for that matter. I'm very good to my shoes. And very cheap lol. But I like these shoes. And even better, I'm sticking it to the government. I saved my reciept. For you see, I bought these for work. So I'm using them as a deduction next year. Along with the four pairs of scrubs I bought today. I'm saving every receipt that I can and next year, I will be getting paid back. Booyah IRS! I told my accountant that a few days ago and he laughed at me. He says I take the IRS too personal. Uhhh...Yes, yes I do. I don't like giving away my money :( I'm cheap like that thankssomuch! But anyways, if you ever wonder about Sketchers Shape-Ups (No I'm not getting paid for saying any of this by the way!) They are incredible, durable, and perfection. Very worth every dime!
I also bought a few books today. I love books. And I read far too much. Thanks to my Kindle, I can read anywhere. And I do! I like going down to the old morgue at work during lunch and reading or watching Grey's Anatomy on the Netflix app on my phone. I. Am a nerd if you didn't know. My favorite authors? Karen Kingsbury and Faye Kellerman (but only the Peter Decker series) I do have stand alone favorites of course and right now I am reading The Vow and it is so far really awesome. It's hard to put it down. And I am so glad the characters are so firmly tied to God. Husband and I have an incredible marriage, an incredible love story at that, but my biggest hope is that should a true crisis arise, we would both stand firm with each other. I say true because so far nothing in life has given us anything crisis mode, thank you Jesus! But one day something will come along. Until then, everything is just a practice trial, lol. I saw a post on pinterest and it had a photo of a sign that read "One day when my children ask me who my first love was, I want to point across the room and say your father" or something to that effect. Marriage is such a high belief of mine and I am so very anti divorce. Anything can be fixed. ANYTHING.
My bulldog decided to kick into heat. She's staying inside to avoid certain events that would include babies due to our male pit bull. She's sleeping with my Milo dog (the tiny pup I just got) in his cage and it is super funny.
I also bought a few books today. I love books. And I read far too much. Thanks to my Kindle, I can read anywhere. And I do! I like going down to the old morgue at work during lunch and reading or watching Grey's Anatomy on the Netflix app on my phone. I. Am a nerd if you didn't know. My favorite authors? Karen Kingsbury and Faye Kellerman (but only the Peter Decker series) I do have stand alone favorites of course and right now I am reading The Vow and it is so far really awesome. It's hard to put it down. And I am so glad the characters are so firmly tied to God. Husband and I have an incredible marriage, an incredible love story at that, but my biggest hope is that should a true crisis arise, we would both stand firm with each other. I say true because so far nothing in life has given us anything crisis mode, thank you Jesus! But one day something will come along. Until then, everything is just a practice trial, lol. I saw a post on pinterest and it had a photo of a sign that read "One day when my children ask me who my first love was, I want to point across the room and say your father" or something to that effect. Marriage is such a high belief of mine and I am so very anti divorce. Anything can be fixed. ANYTHING.
My bulldog decided to kick into heat. She's staying inside to avoid certain events that would include babies due to our male pit bull. She's sleeping with my Milo dog (the tiny pup I just got) in his cage and it is super funny.
That is our Angel (the bulldog) and my Milo. Sharing ever so nicely. Not quite fitting though lol. Milo comes out in just a little bit, she'll stay in. The whole bleeding thing is not my piece of bacon. But those are two out of three of our loves. Angel is actually my husband's. She was his birthday and anniversary gift from last year. She's such a doll. We also have our pit bull, Andre, who contrary to popular belief will not kill anyone nor bite them out of nowhere nor does he deserve to die just because he is a pit bull. I get kind of upset when people discriminate against my dog. Don't break into my house and don't hurt my children and my dog won't be vicious with anyone. He's a sweetie too. He has this annoying thing of climbing into bed with me or my son when my husband is gone. I have this annoying thing of letting him too....It's awful I know, I'm a bad doggy parent. LoL. And the treats I have hidden under my tupperwear drawer where Husband can't find them? I don't possibly give them to the dogs whenever he is gone just because of the cuteness....Never! LoL
My cat however is a bit of a pain. I will be the crazy cat lady one day. i will have at least six cats running around. Cats are my cup of tea. They survive on their own, act prissy and are very good at cuddling. Especially under the covers, behind my knees on my electric blanket. Dirty heat thieves....
I am afraid I have introduced my husband to the world of crafts. He picked up his second model last week, a ship this time I do believe. (He has a car already) and of course we stopped by today to get more paints and various supplies for him. Hobby Lobby is my new haven. I pick up all my cake and baking stuff there as well as tons of crafty stuff. I didn't want to stop there today but Husband insisted so I made him get me a new flower pop mold and another bag of lollipop sticks and baggies. I love cake pops! Super cute! And now I have been toying around with cake pops. I have a flower mold to play with now. I might post pictures sometime. I also picked up a picture. I can't draw or paint at all. But I'm going to try. It's a paint by number though, LOL! I supposedly can't mess it up. We shall see...
Okay now that I realize I have written a book here, I am popping in a movie to watch with Husband and then finishing up some e-mails. I hope you all are enjoying the weekend so far! Toodles!
February 17, 2012
It's Friday!
I saw a sign this morning on Facebook. "I work hard so everyone on Welfare doesn't have to." Yup! I'm feeling ornery tonight, watch out! Well, actually it's pretty much since we filed our taxes. We gave a lot to taxes and I'm talking a lot as in could have bought a brand new car and then some, a lot. And didn't get much back at all. Made me bitter. Then I found out a friend of mine got back quite a bit and collects all kinds of "aid" and has no job. I don't get it. I was told that if I would always have to work hard all my life because nothing in life is free. I was lied to because apparently if I quit my job, I can stay home and get all kinds of money and freebies and not do anything for it. I can understand needing help from time to time, and that doesn't affect me at all, everyone needs help throghout time, God knows we hit rough patches every now and again, but needing help and being lazy? There's a BIG difference.....
Off my venting box and onto better things....Today is afterall Friday! Fridays are a small holiday now that I have a nice job that allows me weekends off. LOVE IT! I am loving my new job by the way. It's been a month and I adore it already. I have yet to have a bad day or even a bad moment there in all honesty. I get paid to do what I do best, clean. I get to be OCD and people love me even more for it! Score! LoL. The kids are loving the new daycare too. Hannah doesn't get but an hour there which works fine but Ignacio absolutely loves it. He used to be that kid that hated being without me. He is doing so well there. I'm so happy :))
I had such a good day today too. Besides it being Friday and all. My Bug who is only five years old for another six months, decided to learn how to tie her shoes. My husband only showed her a few times and she got the hang of it from there. I teared up. I won't lie or deny it. I'm not ashamed, lol. Maybe a little but this girl, she's my heart. She was the baby that wasn't supposed to be here. She was my first born. So of course I teared up. And was ever so proud that this step is over with. I dreaded the whole shoe tying teaching as much as the whole potty training thing.
I had to call the elementary school yesterday, to give Bug's name to them. They are starting the head count for this fall's kindergarten class. Class of 2025 yikes! I don't look forward to September even though she is ecstatic. She's finally going to the big kid's school and going to be in kindergarten with all her friends and this is when mommy will start letting her sleepover at her friend's houses and on and on and on. I'm glad she's thrilled, mommy isn't so much :(
I just bought The Vow on my kindle. I was told it is an amazing movie and the book is of course, even better, so I'm giving it a whirl. I'm waiting for Karen Kingsbury to release her next book which has me on pins and needles. It's the last book about her Baxter family who I've grown very attached to as far as fictional families come.
Now onto what really made my day awesome today. I received a comment today from one of my favorite bloggers. This woman is full of pure sweetness, funny as all get up and just awesome beyond awesome. We have been following each other for just a short time but I love reading her blog posts, sometimes even twice or more (I know, stalker material right here, lol) So I get a comment telling me something about a nugget of versatility or something or other. So I click the link and go spy...I won a blog award!!! Supahmama awarded me with the Versatile Blogger Award and I am incredibly proud to accept it :)
Now, along with it are of course rules, and a little task at hand. The rules first...
Now to be honest, I don't have fifteen friends to pass this along to. But I will pass it along for sure :) And I want to shout out a huge thank you to Supahmama! for thinking of me with this award. That was ever so sweet and wonderful and highly made my day. And to be honest? I absolutely loved your seven things about yourself. The nail thing? Exactly why I don't keep nails!! I hate dirt or any kind of black stuff under my nails. Gross times five!
1. Husband has been "fixed" for almost three years now. I can't have anymore babies due to it'd more than likely kill me or I'd have yet another miscarriage. I'll be honest, I'm in the middle of negotiations with the boss man himself (Husband) to have one more go at it. I can't think of anyone who'd be a surrogate for us, and I miss being pregnant. I just wish I could choose the sex, boys really are easier than girls and one girl is enough for me :))
2. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I believe in being a mommy and a wife but also having a life outside of the house. I love my family but having a job makes me feel productive and an asset to my family, my community and to life in general. That and to be honest? I'm not cut out for the baking, homemade, homeschooling, cleaning, mommy who is always smiley and happy and go-go-go. It's just not me and I'm not ashamed.
3. I love making cakes and cookies. I don't tell people about it because I'm very embarrassed. I don't know why either. Make one cake in your life and now I'm hooked...LoL.
4. I am addicted to pinterest and the activities and recipes I find on there. I love it and if you should want to look me up, let me know :)
5. I gained five pounds in a month. That' snot a lot but it's still a gain. And secretly? I don't mind. I can drop it if I want to but I was getting grossed out. I'm weirdly proportioned and when I have chubby thighs and a chubby butt yet can see and feel my ribcage, it's gross. So I kind of purposely gained. I don't see much a difference though.
6. I got a new puppy for my birthday. Husband surprised me with a baby Japanese Chin slash Maltese. Tiny puppy. Husband is very sweet <3
7. I picked out my haircut that I'm going to get in three more years. I made a promise to my husband before we got married that I would go ten years without cutting my hair. He allows me four inches every year and that's it. Which I'm fine with. Because I picked out my haircut. And I have never had my hair shorter than my ears. Husband despises short hair. Boy will he be shocked! LoL
So, the ladies I snagged up to accept this award are as follows:
1. Gucci Mama
2. Angie Girl (who doesn't get on often at all but still has a great blog!)
3. The ladies at Bee In our Bonnet
4. In Whispers And Shouts
5. And because she's just as random as I am and a good friend, Panda
I know, I know, I have such a small amount of people nominated, but in truth, I love all my bloggy friends, followers and followees. Go to my profile page and check 'em all out!
Now I'm off to watch Grey's Anatomy and go eat dinner with the family. Love to everyone!
Off my venting box and onto better things....Today is afterall Friday! Fridays are a small holiday now that I have a nice job that allows me weekends off. LOVE IT! I am loving my new job by the way. It's been a month and I adore it already. I have yet to have a bad day or even a bad moment there in all honesty. I get paid to do what I do best, clean. I get to be OCD and people love me even more for it! Score! LoL. The kids are loving the new daycare too. Hannah doesn't get but an hour there which works fine but Ignacio absolutely loves it. He used to be that kid that hated being without me. He is doing so well there. I'm so happy :))
I had such a good day today too. Besides it being Friday and all. My Bug who is only five years old for another six months, decided to learn how to tie her shoes. My husband only showed her a few times and she got the hang of it from there. I teared up. I won't lie or deny it. I'm not ashamed, lol. Maybe a little but this girl, she's my heart. She was the baby that wasn't supposed to be here. She was my first born. So of course I teared up. And was ever so proud that this step is over with. I dreaded the whole shoe tying teaching as much as the whole potty training thing.
I had to call the elementary school yesterday, to give Bug's name to them. They are starting the head count for this fall's kindergarten class. Class of 2025 yikes! I don't look forward to September even though she is ecstatic. She's finally going to the big kid's school and going to be in kindergarten with all her friends and this is when mommy will start letting her sleepover at her friend's houses and on and on and on. I'm glad she's thrilled, mommy isn't so much :(
I just bought The Vow on my kindle. I was told it is an amazing movie and the book is of course, even better, so I'm giving it a whirl. I'm waiting for Karen Kingsbury to release her next book which has me on pins and needles. It's the last book about her Baxter family who I've grown very attached to as far as fictional families come.
Now onto what really made my day awesome today. I received a comment today from one of my favorite bloggers. This woman is full of pure sweetness, funny as all get up and just awesome beyond awesome. We have been following each other for just a short time but I love reading her blog posts, sometimes even twice or more (I know, stalker material right here, lol) So I get a comment telling me something about a nugget of versatility or something or other. So I click the link and go spy...I won a blog award!!! Supahmama awarded me with the Versatile Blogger Award and I am incredibly proud to accept it :)
Now, along with it are of course rules, and a little task at hand. The rules first...
The Rules for The Versatile Blogger Award
1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs you enjoy reading.
4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.Now to be honest, I don't have fifteen friends to pass this along to. But I will pass it along for sure :) And I want to shout out a huge thank you to Supahmama! for thinking of me with this award. That was ever so sweet and wonderful and highly made my day. And to be honest? I absolutely loved your seven things about yourself. The nail thing? Exactly why I don't keep nails!! I hate dirt or any kind of black stuff under my nails. Gross times five!
1. Husband has been "fixed" for almost three years now. I can't have anymore babies due to it'd more than likely kill me or I'd have yet another miscarriage. I'll be honest, I'm in the middle of negotiations with the boss man himself (Husband) to have one more go at it. I can't think of anyone who'd be a surrogate for us, and I miss being pregnant. I just wish I could choose the sex, boys really are easier than girls and one girl is enough for me :))
2. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I believe in being a mommy and a wife but also having a life outside of the house. I love my family but having a job makes me feel productive and an asset to my family, my community and to life in general. That and to be honest? I'm not cut out for the baking, homemade, homeschooling, cleaning, mommy who is always smiley and happy and go-go-go. It's just not me and I'm not ashamed.
3. I love making cakes and cookies. I don't tell people about it because I'm very embarrassed. I don't know why either. Make one cake in your life and now I'm hooked...LoL.
4. I am addicted to pinterest and the activities and recipes I find on there. I love it and if you should want to look me up, let me know :)
5. I gained five pounds in a month. That' snot a lot but it's still a gain. And secretly? I don't mind. I can drop it if I want to but I was getting grossed out. I'm weirdly proportioned and when I have chubby thighs and a chubby butt yet can see and feel my ribcage, it's gross. So I kind of purposely gained. I don't see much a difference though.
6. I got a new puppy for my birthday. Husband surprised me with a baby Japanese Chin slash Maltese. Tiny puppy. Husband is very sweet <3
7. I picked out my haircut that I'm going to get in three more years. I made a promise to my husband before we got married that I would go ten years without cutting my hair. He allows me four inches every year and that's it. Which I'm fine with. Because I picked out my haircut. And I have never had my hair shorter than my ears. Husband despises short hair. Boy will he be shocked! LoL
So, the ladies I snagged up to accept this award are as follows:
1. Gucci Mama
2. Angie Girl (who doesn't get on often at all but still has a great blog!)
3. The ladies at Bee In our Bonnet
4. In Whispers And Shouts
5. And because she's just as random as I am and a good friend, Panda
I know, I know, I have such a small amount of people nominated, but in truth, I love all my bloggy friends, followers and followees. Go to my profile page and check 'em all out!
Now I'm off to watch Grey's Anatomy and go eat dinner with the family. Love to everyone!
February 3, 2012
Husband and puppies and other stuff
So my husband. He's pretty awesome. And I'm always so grateful for him. Especially when I hear about other people's man/boy trouble. I always catch myself saying a thank you that my husband is who he is and does what he does and isn't like most men. I am guilty of not being grateful more often and it seems like I am being reminded more often of how grateful I really should be. Too many of my friends, acquaintances and blog buddies/reads are having marriage issues. As much as I pray for them, I also lift up thanks for mine. I think that as we pray for one another, we should also be thankful and grateful for having what we do you know?
We aren't perfect but in the (almost) seven years we have been together and married, I can say that we have not only been through a lot but grown closer, wiser, better and stronger in every crevice of our marriage. It is one thing to go through a lot but totally another to come out of it together. And stronger. I know he'd never leave me, as I would never him. And I know a lot more than a ring and a piece of paper holds us together. And I hold dear that we did everything right from the moment we met which brings me a lot of pride. Not a lot of people can say they waited until marriage for sex or anything related.
Which brings me to my next "challenge". Who has made my life worth living for. I shout Husband at this one. Before I met him, life was so dismal. Literally. I was at that point where I honestly didn't care about much. I worked two jobs just to have something to do and didn't go out or have friends outside of my family. I slept as much as I could and tried to be a butthead in any way possible. It was pretty pathetic. I put up a good front but that was as far as happy and at peace really went. When I met Husband, everything felt, at peace. As it should. And I knew that even though he was an awful flirt, had terrible choice in some of his friendships, and even tried to make me jealous, he was the one. Has been ever since. We are so alike in so may ways and yet are opposites in a lot too. And it certainly hasn't been easy all of the time. The first three years of marriage kind of suck just so everyone knows, lol. But after that, piece of cake. Or something like that at least.
Our anniversary is coming up in about four months and I'm already planning his gift and our date. He planned ours last year, so it's my turn and I'm hoping I do really well. That and this month will mark when we started dating. Seven years together, it doesn't sound that much but it sure feels like a long time. Then again, ask me in twenty years how long THAT feels! LoL.
It's funny how life turns out. Back in high school I thought that I would be somewhere completely different from where I am now. And how I thought I would have it all then. Now I realize how much better I have things and that while at the time I may not have understood things happening, God had a reason and definitely knew better for me and my life. And that I wouldn't change a thing. Husband is who makes my life worth living for. Always has and always will be <3
We have another addition to our family, speaking of family and mushy feelings. The cutest little puppy dog. He's a cross between a Japanese Chin and a Maltese. I've been begging for a Yorkie for a few years and since they are so expensive and hard to come by, this was the closest (and actually best) option. A little belated birthday gift from husband :) So now I need to figure out a name...
It's been a really busy week, but a great one at that. My new job is turning out so much better than I expected, I really like it The kids are loving the new daycare they are at now. They do so much fun stuff with the kidlets and they get to go on daily walks and meet the residents of the nursing home where I work sometimes. I also work at the hospital part too. Bug started ballet class and is liking that pretty well and is looking forward to finishing up Awana soon. I am so proud of her, she hasn't missed a day in two years! Bean is Bean. Just a little boy who is fascinated with everything and is still my cuddly mommy's boy. Can't and won't change that either :))
And now because I haven't gotten to all week, I am going to end here and catch up on some Grey's Anatomy and cuddle with Husband. Have a fabulous weekend, I know I will!
We aren't perfect but in the (almost) seven years we have been together and married, I can say that we have not only been through a lot but grown closer, wiser, better and stronger in every crevice of our marriage. It is one thing to go through a lot but totally another to come out of it together. And stronger. I know he'd never leave me, as I would never him. And I know a lot more than a ring and a piece of paper holds us together. And I hold dear that we did everything right from the moment we met which brings me a lot of pride. Not a lot of people can say they waited until marriage for sex or anything related.
Which brings me to my next "challenge". Who has made my life worth living for. I shout Husband at this one. Before I met him, life was so dismal. Literally. I was at that point where I honestly didn't care about much. I worked two jobs just to have something to do and didn't go out or have friends outside of my family. I slept as much as I could and tried to be a butthead in any way possible. It was pretty pathetic. I put up a good front but that was as far as happy and at peace really went. When I met Husband, everything felt, at peace. As it should. And I knew that even though he was an awful flirt, had terrible choice in some of his friendships, and even tried to make me jealous, he was the one. Has been ever since. We are so alike in so may ways and yet are opposites in a lot too. And it certainly hasn't been easy all of the time. The first three years of marriage kind of suck just so everyone knows, lol. But after that, piece of cake. Or something like that at least.
Our anniversary is coming up in about four months and I'm already planning his gift and our date. He planned ours last year, so it's my turn and I'm hoping I do really well. That and this month will mark when we started dating. Seven years together, it doesn't sound that much but it sure feels like a long time. Then again, ask me in twenty years how long THAT feels! LoL.
It's funny how life turns out. Back in high school I thought that I would be somewhere completely different from where I am now. And how I thought I would have it all then. Now I realize how much better I have things and that while at the time I may not have understood things happening, God had a reason and definitely knew better for me and my life. And that I wouldn't change a thing. Husband is who makes my life worth living for. Always has and always will be <3
We have another addition to our family, speaking of family and mushy feelings. The cutest little puppy dog. He's a cross between a Japanese Chin and a Maltese. I've been begging for a Yorkie for a few years and since they are so expensive and hard to come by, this was the closest (and actually best) option. A little belated birthday gift from husband :) So now I need to figure out a name...
It's been a really busy week, but a great one at that. My new job is turning out so much better than I expected, I really like it The kids are loving the new daycare they are at now. They do so much fun stuff with the kidlets and they get to go on daily walks and meet the residents of the nursing home where I work sometimes. I also work at the hospital part too. Bug started ballet class and is liking that pretty well and is looking forward to finishing up Awana soon. I am so proud of her, she hasn't missed a day in two years! Bean is Bean. Just a little boy who is fascinated with everything and is still my cuddly mommy's boy. Can't and won't change that either :))
And now because I haven't gotten to all week, I am going to end here and catch up on some Grey's Anatomy and cuddle with Husband. Have a fabulous weekend, I know I will!
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