The flu bug of oh-twelve has come and gone. Not the most fun bug ever either, let me tell you. It started with the pain in my stomach and I have to stop and brag about my pain tolerating levels, and how supremely awesome they are, but this sort of pain folks, had me convinced I was dying. I swore there was something wrong with me and how I should probably have gone to the ER. But after I threw up a few times, I was like oooooh flu-bug, my bad, I guess I'm NOT dying. Whoa hypochondriac moment right? Then for the first time in history, I passed it to my husband and to my kidlets. Totally broke my heart about passing it to my kidlets, the husband I giggled about, I'll be honest. He always passes me his cold and flu crud, and had zero sympathy for me, so when he got it, I laughed. Totally had a "Haha, now you know how I felt, sucks don't it?" minute. But then I went and made him his lukewarm bath, cooked his soup and got him his fluffy bathrobe to sit in his chair with. I even let him pick the movies out to watch, see how nice I am? I'm not always so mean ;)
Yesterday I got Bean's acceptance letter in the mail for Head Start. We applied for the home based program, but apparently, thanks to our extremely
Tomorrow some ladies and I are planning on getting together to do some yard DIY. Ladybugs out of bowling balls. Crooked tower of planters. That sort of thing. I will take pictures and post as well as pin. I need to badly do something with my yard, front and back. I just don't have the time. Good thing Husband is a awesome landscaper, he's going to take care of it for me :D He's been killing time doing landscaping and such around town for awhile. We are STILL dealing with railroad garbage and getting him back on. More and more people are coming forward with being colorblind so it looks like a matter of time before Husband gets back on. And we get major backpay for the whole time he has been off. :D :D :D YEs I'm greedy, I like my bills being paid, what can I say. I don't mind going through a bit of a stressful period because I know my rainbow is at the end and what a rainbow it will be UGH! I get frustrated because I get tired of seeing myself as well as others who work hard to do things the right way, who don't rely on anyone else or on the government in anyway, and who don't do things easy way out, end up screwed over in the end. Over pretty much anything nowadays. You are nice to people, they end up walking all over you. Meanwhile, people who are lazy, or who do things the wrong way and knowingly I might add, end up always okay. It sucks sometimes. But in the end, everything will be okay, and if it isn't okay right now, it just means it's not the end right? Right.
So I ordered an outfit a few days ago. The one I'm wearing out for our anniversary. It's big for me. It's my deadline for my big weight loss extravaganza ( I love that word!) as well as the anniversary of our wedding, as well as something new, fabulous and sort of daring. I might put up a picture...It's super cute and totally not me, which is why I got it. I can't wait. I have lost fifteen pounds already in three weeks. I am completely disappointed in myself because I didn't work out very much this week. I blame the flu but I got lazy, I can't lie. So this weekend will be major workout jam and then back to my grueling schedule during the work week. 5am comes way too early no matter what time one gets up....
Short and sweet and filled with absolutely nothing. That's how today's blog is. Just felt in the mood to write and jot something down and I accomplished that. So now I'm going to make you all jealous and go do a load of laundry. I might play with my new-to-me breadmaker that I just scored today. Make some yummy bread :)) I hope everyone has a fantabulous weekend, because no matter what, it is afterall the weekend :)) *Beckie*
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