Husband works on the railroad right now. Been on it for about three years now. It's alright, the company has a very bad habit of taking advantage of it's employees and treating them pretty bad. But husband loves what he does and even more so, really digs the guys (and one gal) he works with as well. And you can't beat the pay unless you are an oil worker...He has enough seniority to hold a job in a yard at one of their many depots. Currently working in Canada during the night shift and he is able to come home for two days a week, it's pretty decent. But yesterday, I had to call him and let him know a very unexpected thing happened: he got forced to engineer school. He leaves next Monday for 3 weeks in Minnesota to begin the hardest class and training that he's ever had. A 300 question test to take and if he fails, he will be fired. And he has no choice but to go whether he wants to or not, which is actually the worse part. If he says no, he loses his job. If he passes this big test and survives the three weeks then he continues on with around six months of on the job training. Which means a drastic pay cut the whole time he is OJT. Granted, after he becomes a full fledged engineer, everything will be worth it and very increased paychecks. But these next six months are going to suuuuck ...
Even not being that close to any religion or God at the moment, I still know that He is up to something. I'm one of those people who can be a total control freak. As long as I have total control of the situation and know what is going to happen, I'm good with it. So letting go of control and letting God do His thing is very difficult. Well I've been waiting for God to catch my attention with something, might as well be this.
So for the next week I get to pack my husband up for three weeks worth of living, get him stocked up of dry food that doesn't need cooked, and get his paperwork all in order for him to go. I also am sadly saying goodbye to my laptop since he needs to use it over there for online studying and classwork. Guess I will be reading more! : )
So life is spicing up for us for a bit, this oughta be reeeeal fun. But we will make it through. Whether Abel is meant to be an engineer or not, there is a plan. You have to let go, give the wheel to God and enjoy the ride because in the end, it's what is best for you.
Have a wonderful weekend readers! Until next time,
Time to start crazy couponing???
ReplyDeleteWeeeeeeeell.... at least there is never a dull moment ;) Prayin' for you all!