It was really fun. Bug was a spider princess and Bean was a spider. They both looked super cute but very un-spiderish in the whole "I-hate-spiders-and-will-kill-every-one" sort of way. Definitely did not want to beat these ones with my shoe ; ) They made out with a ton of candy. Literally. Well...Almost literally. I bought a big black plastic cauldron at Walmart a few years ago, all the candy they got fit into it perfectly. So, we won't be buying candy for a few years. I did however, learn something that weekend though, babies and toddlers make more of a haul then the older kidlets. And we did compare. Big cuteness factor when a little one can barely utter trick-or-treat and thank you I suppose. Oh well, more candy for me ; )
Hannah and I have been spending more time together at night doing all sorts of crafty activities. Her favorite one which is a nightly repeat is the whole cornstarch goop. You add cornstarch and water together to make a barely liquid but barely solid kind of goop. She loves it and I do too because it is so easy, cheap to make and yet so easy to clean up too. Got the idea off of www.pinterest.com don't know if anyone uses it, so just in case you don't...you should. It is amazing and I'm not telling you anything about it just so you will go see for yourself :P
Husband has been home for over a month and a half now. It's a big long story of a mess but basically husband lost his job for being colorblind and now is back on but laid off. His union (who is headed by Jimmy Hoffa Jr thank goodness) and it's lawyers are now pursuing a class action case against the company for discriminating and violating the A.D.A. (American Disabilities Act) I'm upset and stressed out by it because Husband is an amazing employee. How many people do you know who have never been fired by the time they were 30? Well, besides me, I've never been fired either. But not very many people can say that. He has always done a good job, never even ran a switch or derailed a train (No, not every derailment causes an explosion or huge deal, sometimes only a few wheels pop off the track by an inch, not a big deal at all) so why this company treats him and other employees like crap is just unfair.
My sister-in-law is moving at the end of the month. It makes me sad because she and my nephew are the only family we have in this town. We have a lot of fun together and it makes it nice to know you have someone to vent to about anything and it won't go very far. But I'm really happy about it because they get to move to Minneapolis. So it isn't but eight hours away and I always enjoy an excuse to go visit the cities : D
I picked up an extra job and a few extra shifts at work so my week is completely blown away as far as free time is concerned. I have to map out times to get my holiday stuff started now so I don't procrastinate with it too much and it gets late. I'm doing handmade gifts this year and am part of a family ornament exchange. Handmade may seem cheap to some people, which is not all fiction, but to me, they seem to make the best sense. People get too material around this time of year. That and I don't know very many people who can even bake a pie without going to the store and buying one in the box. My goal is to get more crafty, more DIY-ish, and create my food from scratch or as close to it that I can come.
Today was one of my biggest accomplishments (even though we didn't get a thing!) First day hunting! Really exciting to go out but a big let down when we had to come home without anything in the truck. I'm a really awesome shot, and can't wait to down my first deer. And it puts enough meat in my freezer for at least a few months. I haven't had to buy store bought meat in over a year and that's exactly how I like it. I know where all my chicken, beef and deer meat came from. And it has zero pesticides, chemicals, hormones, or whatever in it. Plus, if you cook it right, deer tastes amazing!!
Is it too early to put on Carol of The Bells and Let It Snow? I LOVE this time of year! Hot cocoa, snow (which started falling today), and Christmas songs and movies. I have to start figuring out holiday pictures that are going on our Christmas cards this year. And getting everything ready for Thanksgiving. I stock up early because I cook for us, but then I cook for the railroad guys too. Lots of them. LOTS. LoL.
So that about catches us up on life so far. So much has been going on, it really seemed like longer than two weeks...I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend and don't forget about tomorrow and honoring our veterans!!
Hannah and I have been spending more time together at night doing all sorts of crafty activities. Her favorite one which is a nightly repeat is the whole cornstarch goop. You add cornstarch and water together to make a barely liquid but barely solid kind of goop. She loves it and I do too because it is so easy, cheap to make and yet so easy to clean up too. Got the idea off of www.pinterest.com don't know if anyone uses it, so just in case you don't...you should. It is amazing and I'm not telling you anything about it just so you will go see for yourself :P
Husband has been home for over a month and a half now. It's a big long story of a mess but basically husband lost his job for being colorblind and now is back on but laid off. His union (who is headed by Jimmy Hoffa Jr thank goodness) and it's lawyers are now pursuing a class action case against the company for discriminating and violating the A.D.A. (American Disabilities Act) I'm upset and stressed out by it because Husband is an amazing employee. How many people do you know who have never been fired by the time they were 30? Well, besides me, I've never been fired either. But not very many people can say that. He has always done a good job, never even ran a switch or derailed a train (No, not every derailment causes an explosion or huge deal, sometimes only a few wheels pop off the track by an inch, not a big deal at all) so why this company treats him and other employees like crap is just unfair.
My sister-in-law is moving at the end of the month. It makes me sad because she and my nephew are the only family we have in this town. We have a lot of fun together and it makes it nice to know you have someone to vent to about anything and it won't go very far. But I'm really happy about it because they get to move to Minneapolis. So it isn't but eight hours away and I always enjoy an excuse to go visit the cities : D
I picked up an extra job and a few extra shifts at work so my week is completely blown away as far as free time is concerned. I have to map out times to get my holiday stuff started now so I don't procrastinate with it too much and it gets late. I'm doing handmade gifts this year and am part of a family ornament exchange. Handmade may seem cheap to some people, which is not all fiction, but to me, they seem to make the best sense. People get too material around this time of year. That and I don't know very many people who can even bake a pie without going to the store and buying one in the box. My goal is to get more crafty, more DIY-ish, and create my food from scratch or as close to it that I can come.
Today was one of my biggest accomplishments (even though we didn't get a thing!) First day hunting! Really exciting to go out but a big let down when we had to come home without anything in the truck. I'm a really awesome shot, and can't wait to down my first deer. And it puts enough meat in my freezer for at least a few months. I haven't had to buy store bought meat in over a year and that's exactly how I like it. I know where all my chicken, beef and deer meat came from. And it has zero pesticides, chemicals, hormones, or whatever in it. Plus, if you cook it right, deer tastes amazing!!
Is it too early to put on Carol of The Bells and Let It Snow? I LOVE this time of year! Hot cocoa, snow (which started falling today), and Christmas songs and movies. I have to start figuring out holiday pictures that are going on our Christmas cards this year. And getting everything ready for Thanksgiving. I stock up early because I cook for us, but then I cook for the railroad guys too. Lots of them. LOTS. LoL.
So that about catches us up on life so far. So much has been going on, it really seemed like longer than two weeks...I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend and don't forget about tomorrow and honoring our veterans!!
I seriously contemplated playing Christmas music, on Friday. My vote, is go for it. I did bang a few Christmas tunes out on the piano today! Homemade gifts rock, if there is thought put behind each one. Not just something thrown together to say you gave someone a gift.