At what point do you tell people enough is enough?
* My husband decided to have my son's ear pierced. He being my son's parent mind you, thought it was okay. Thought that since we got our daughter's ears pierced when she was 6 months old, and that our nephews have it done and friend's kids have it done as well, why not? What would it hurt putting a tiny little diamond in his ear that he can take out later if he decides he doesn't want it in? That even though I didn't want to at first, am now liking it after all. But now I get to hear how bad parents we are for doing such a horrible thing, especially to our son. I haven't made a big production of it and actually, if the little fart wouldn't tell people himself, they wouldn't even notice. And I obviously can't hide him inside the house all day everyday. Today's grocery trip was sort of needed after all. The criticism was not however. People, let us be mindful that what one set of parents (or one parent, in the terms of single parents) decides to do with their children, is up to nobody but them. You, as the non parent party, get to step back smile and at most say "It is what it is" (my favorite saying from a favorite person) but respect the parents/parent and watch the things you say, be it to their face or behind their back later. I'm sure there are a few things they could say about you and your parenting but I in this case, don't. I think them to myself in a chuckling manner, but I don't say them. It just hurts how people think they can tell me what I'm doing wrong all according to their judgement. If I wanted opinions on how to raise my children, you would have been in the bedroom while I made mine. You weren't then, and you aren't now so butt out!
*Friendship. It is such a tricky thing. It honestly is. Especially for me. I have a set of true blue amazing friends who don't live near me that I constantly have guilt about not keeping better in touch. But yet I am reminded that everytime I do talk to any one of them, it really is like we never lost touch for any period of time. When I visit them, it's like we were together just the other day. That does feel like a special bond to me. Don't get me wrong, it isn't always perfect friendship, I hardly ever remember to write, I often run my mouth without thinking and let's face it, they are better people than I. But the best part is that even through my flaws, they still love me and are there for me. And if it weren't for my oldest and closest friend here, I'm pretty sure I would be crazy by now as well. Wellllll....crazier than I already am that is. As I never name names on here, just to be polite, I won't drop this one's either, but it's rare to find someone who is always there for you no matter what, even in the times that sometime suck and you reeeeally don't want to be. And then to love you even after those times.
But what do you do when you feel like a friendship you thought you had wasn't really one after all. When people who are supposed to be close to you end up the only ones who screw you over and pretty much use you? At what point is enough, actually enough? I'm at that point with a few people and it sucks because something tells me, I'm the only one who will end up walking away caring. Sometimes a person can only take so much and if you end up on the end that I'm on, just remember, if it for your own good, do it and don't give a crap what anyone else thinks. I try too much to live for others approval and it is just ridiculous. Yet it's a constant habit that I can't seem to break because as much as I don't want to, I end up doing. And if you haven't called or texted or facebooked or snail mailed a friend lately to ask how they are, you should. And if you are one of those people who make life all about you and never care enough to listen to someone about them at least once in awhile, do the other person a favor and walk away. Selfish isn't good in any situation or relationship...
*Politics. Seriously, when is enough ever enough with that? I am not into politics. I could care less because honestly it may affect the world, my state, my gas prices, but I really have too much going on in my life to stop and care. You can hate me if you'd like, and judge me all you want to but I seriously don't care. But I also hate haring about it on Facebook all day, everyday. Nothing is going to change about our president until next year, and as many people as there are in this country, why do some people think that if they rant on our president all day long, that maybe he will somehow see their page and change? Or that being a certain ethnicity or religion makes a political statement all on it's own. If I were president, would I be judged solely on where I was born, what religion I am, and what friends I have/had? In that case, forget it, I like my anonymity. Besides, with the power of a little red button at my disposal, enough people pissing me off might make me push the little bugger ; )
*Archeologists. Not all of them but the majority. As I was watching TV the other day, an ad came on for some show called Decoded I think. About how aliens must have put Stonehenge here and trying to decode why. Really? Does your job pay you enough to sit and wonder about statues that were here since forever? It's not that I don't believe in aliens (I don't) or that archeologists are useless (only some) but the fact that people sit around wondering about something they will never ever know the answer for, just bugs me. Like they couldn't find something more useful to do with their time. If I believed in aliens, I would like to think that they have better things to do then place rock formations on random planets. No wait, maybe they DID place them here so they could sit back and watch the clueless humans run around trying to figure out how and why. Reality TV alien style : )
*Speaking of TV, Kim Kardashian. Enough is enough. I get tired of her and that family. She and her sisters annoy me to bits. So does that awful show Toddlers and Tiaras. And I'm sorry but Dance Moms, while entertaining to watch, those poor kidlets have my pity. I believe in dance in any form, but to dress your six year old daughter like a prostitute, have shaking her booty in front of men and women who you have no idea their background and if they have secret pedophile habits or not, just baffles me. But then again....It is what it is and it isn't for me. And that's the end of that one....(Like how I did that? Study. Learn. Do!)